Apache Railway Tank Car
I built this model for a NMRA-PCR contest - build a model using the Tichy Trains tank car kit.
It was inspired by my visits to the Apache Railway in Arizona in the 1980's and '90's.
This model was badly damaged one day as I was unloading my pickup after a Free-mo event. The car was
in a storage bin, along with several other tank cars, when the entire bin tumbled out of the truck, did a 360,
and landed on the driveway. Of course it was fragile tank cars - why couldn't it have been, say,
nice sturdy boxcars? Argh! Anyway, I managed to repair this car along with most of the others.
Left: The prototype located in Snowflake, AZ
circa 1988. The warning signs suggest it was
used to store diesel fuel or some other
flammable material. Note the car has no
reporting marks or other required data,
so it cannot be used in revenue service.
Below: My model is mostly stock, though I removed the top row of rivets to match
the prototype. I made the decals by creating artwork in MS Visio, printing on
blank decal paper, and lightly overspraying with gloss-cote before applying.