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Gregg Fuhriman modelmaker
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Santa Fe MoW HyRail Pickup Truck
Most railroads have pickups adapted for running on the rails with HyRail gear, used for track inspection and other light maintenance duties. Santa Fe had such vehicles, though I've found no photos of a standard pickup HyRail vehicle. I free-lanced my model based on photos of similar trucks on other railroads.
My free-lanced vehicle is inspired
by this photo of a Santa Fe truck
fitted with HyRail gear. This one
has a specialized utility bed, which
I did not attempt to replicate.
Note the rooftop beacon and
yellow clearance telltales at the
front, both features I adapted to
my simplified model.

I don't know when or where this
photo was captured, but I thank
the photographer for sharing it
The genesis of this model was a rather plain-looking Santa Fe Trident pickup, which I decided needed some dressing up.
It came with this "extended" Santa Fe artwork - note how the blue stripes run all the way to the rear of the vehicle.
I don't know if this scheme was prototypical, but I liked it and decided to keep it as-is.

I added a Details West cast-metal HyRail kit that includes the extended front and rear bumpers, and the rail wheels (static).
At the front I added some safety cones (don't recall what brand) and brass wire telltales painted yellow.
On the roof I added styrene "stalks" with yellow warning beacon lenses salvaged from the scrap box.
On the sides I installed a Plano Models etched metal running board kit.
In the bed I added a toolbox, fire extinguisher, welding unit (a Shapeways 3D-printed product), various bottles and canisters, and some cables.