Gregg Fuhriman modelmaker
Gregg Fuhriman modelmaker
Gregg Fuhriman modelmaker
Gregg Fuhriman author
Gregg Fuhriman modelmaker
Gregg Fuhriman archer
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Gregg Fuhriman climber
Gregg Fuhriman home
ATSF B39-8 7401
Santa Fe had three GE B39-8 units, which were
essentially prototypes for the DASH8-40B.

This model is a brass Overland Models brand mport, to which I added a few
details, painted, decaled, and weathered. To add DCC capability, I replaced the
stock drive, frame, and trucks with Atlas DASH8-40B components. I de-geared
and cut down the front truck to clear the bulky cab interior, which I wanted to
preserve and is quite solidly welded into the body. For this reason, I run this
model as a trailing unit only (it does not have working headlights either).

This model won third place, diesel consist category (paired with my friend Jim's
similar unit 7400,
left), at the 1996 SFRH&MS convention in Fort Worth, TX.