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Gregg Fuhriman modelmaker
Gregg Fuhriman modelmaker
ATSF SD39u 1568
I started with an Athearn DCC sound-equipped SD39u, already painted and detailed for ATSF 1568.
I added a few missing details and replaced the lights with brighter LEDs.
Weathering is a combination of artist oils and powdered chalks.
Right: This photo of the prototype 1568 on
Cajon Pass is the inspiration for my model.
I attempted to replicate the details and weathering as seen in this photo. Thanks
to the photographer for posting this image!

Santa Fe bought twenty SD39 units in 1969,
and rebuilt them in 1985 to SD39u with
upgraded systems. Special MU stands were
added to the end platforms for connecting to
drone (slug) units in yard service, a detail
Athearn included on their model.

Athearn also included a late-era retrofitted
nose headlight, with the numberboard
headlight blanked out.
Right: Most of my modifications are visible here. I inadvertently
dropped the shell while working on it, damaging the front right
corner of the pilot - repaired with Tamiya putty. I also replaced
the coupler lift bar due to damage. I added "dummy" MU plugs
and the red MU cable to both ends, as well as air hose retainer
bars. I also added the horn air pipe between the nose top and
the number board housing, and the radio conduit on the cab roof.

The stock windows and headlight lenses are covered with blue
painter's tape to keep them clean during the weathering process.
The stock numberboards are temporarily removed for trimming
so they will fit better into the housing.
Below: Some added details are visible here - the EOT antenna and platform on the cab (painted black, as were
many retrofitted platforms), a second fuel filler (a remnant of Santa Fe's preparations for the failed SPSF merger),
and a large air dryer assembly behind the fuel tank (added by Santa Fe during the SD39u rebuild project).